What can schools do about bullying?
September 21, 2014
The importance of recognition, responsibility, truth, united reconciliation and race
September 26, 2014
What can schools do about bullying?
September 21, 2014
The importance of recognition, responsibility, truth, united reconciliation and race
September 26, 2014

CASSE Aboriginal Australian Relations Program Newsletter Issue 1 OUT NOW

Welcome to our very first newsletter dedicated to CASSE’s Aboriginal Australian Relations Program!

The goal of this program is to work alongside Aboriginal people in the Australian community to understand and process the emotional experiences of psychic pain, trauma and violence, thereby ‘making my spirit inside me good’, changing minds and thereby saving lives.

The past six months have been busy with the publication of one new booklet, listening to and documenting the stories of Aboriginal people, developing important projects with our partner organisations, and sharing our thinking with a growing audience. I urge you to read more about our achievements in this newsletter.  Click here to view newsletter

Kurunna Mwarre!


Pamela Nathan
CASSE Aboriginal Australian Relations Program

 > Click here to view newsletter